Introduction: Sliced & Diced

Creating monthly menus can be a bit of a challenge. However, as I mentioned in the Create Your Own Menu series it is possible! With a few step by step instructions, you can be well on your way. Included in that series were the resources I use on a daily basis to figure equivalents, measurements, and substitutions for ingredients. However, I would have to say that they aren’t the most complete and practical resources for some of the ingredients we are preparing in bulk. There are common equivalents and yields that I have struggled to find a source for. I also know that there has been inconsistency in Once A Month Meals menu recipes based on the quantity I say to cook and the actual amount that is yielded from menu to menu. We need some standards to go by! So like any diligent person, if you can’t find what you are looking for, then perhaps you should do it yourself! So with that is the birth of the Sliced & Diced series! Over the next few weeks (or whenever I run out of ideas for things that we need) I will be doing a series on Friday’s looking at Sliced & Diced. Ideas forthcoming are onions, ground beef, chicken, tomatoes, pasta, and rice. I am sure there are many others we can do so we will continue exploring these until we have exhausted our options. Sliced & Diced will look at not only the raw measurements of items but also what their cooked equivalent is equal to. Hopefully, this will help us when we are cooking and measuring items in bulk.

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